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Open Voice OS


Building Custom Voice-Controlled Interfaces with OpenVoiceOS

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OpenVoiceOS is a community-driven, open-source voice AI platform that enables users to create customized voice-controlled interfaces across devices. With a focus on privacy and security, this platform offers NLP, a customizable UI, and seamless integration with your smart home devices. Join the open-source community and build the next-generation voice assistants and smart speakers.

OpenVoiceOS is a cutting-edge voice AI platform that lets developers and users build custom voice-controlled interfaces for various devices. Whether you're looking to play music, control your smart home devices, or set reminders, OpenVoiceOS provides a seamless and intuitive way to interact with your digital world hands-free. Built on open-source software, OpenVoiceOS harnesses the power of open-source developers from various communities to build next-gen personal assistants and smart speakers that focus on privacy and security.

The platform boasts of its customizable UI, powered by natural language processing, that provides a smooth experience. As a community-driven platform, anyone can contribute to expanding the set of supported devices or designing new features. Whether you are a software developer, data scientist, or someone with a passion for technology, OpenVoiceOS has something for everyone. The project is open to all developers and contributors interested in supporting a specific device or platform.

OpenVoiceOS supports a wide range of platforms, including embedded headless devices, single-board computers with screens, and smart speakers. As an experimental platform, it is perfect for developers who love throwing new ideas to test and experience before adopting them into the Linux-based open-source voice assistant projects upstream.

The team behind OpenVoiceOS is comprised of dedicated code wranglers and maintainers, who ensure that the development and maintenance of multiple core technologies and projects within the domains of the OpenVoiceOS framework are up to par. You can easily connect with them and know more about their work.

OpenVoiceOS offers two powerful and stable editions: the Buildroot edition, a minimalist Linux OS that brings the open-source voice assistant Mycroft A.I. to embedded low-spec headless and/or small touch-friendly screen devices, and the Manjaro Arch edition, based on the rolling-base distribution for development and prototyping that nearly always ships the latest git master branches and packages that might be considered unstable.

Supported devices include Raspberry PI 3, Raspberry PI 4, Mark 2/Mark 2 Dev Kit/Respeaker, and x86-64. OpenVoiceOS also supports peripherals and HATs such as the ReSpeaker 2mic, ReSpeaker 4mic Array, ReSpeaker 4mic Linear Array, ReSpeaker 6mic Circular Array, RPI-Proto, SJ-201, PS3-Eye, Google AIY-v1, and Chatterbox HAT.

OpenVoiceOS is an innovative and exciting platform that promises to revolutionize the world of voice assistants and smart speakers, and it's all possible through the collective efforts of open-source developers and contributors worldwide. A stable release is coming soon, so follow OpenVoiceOS, join the community, and be part of the future of voice-controlled interfaces.