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Meeting notes made easy with Wudpecker’s AI-powered assistance.

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Wudpecker is a free AI-powered note-taking tool that records, transcribes and summarizes your online meetings, making it easy for you to run productive meetings and stay organized. With Wudpecker, you can start your meetings fully prepared using pre-built templates, and end them with high-quality notes that you can easily share with your team.

Wudpecker is an AI-powered meeting notes tool that aims to make your meetings more productive and efficient. It provides you with the necessary tools to run a meeting from start to finish while also keeping track of notes and summaries to help you stay organized. Above all, it is completely free of charge!

Preparation: One of the biggest challenges in running effective meetings is preparation. Without a pre-built agenda or talking points, meetings can quickly spiral out of control, wasting valuable time and hurting productivity. This is where Wudpecker comes in. Wudpecker provides you with a clear and concise agenda to help you stay on track and focus on key topics, preventing you from wasting precious time.

Record: Once your meeting is underway, it’s important to ensure that you capture every detail for later reference. Wudpecker can join your online meetings, record and transcribe them automatically, and make them searchable. You no longer have to take notes yourself or waste time listening to recordings. Instead, you can focus on the important discussions, knowing that Wudpecker has got you covered.

Notes: At the end of your meetings, Wudpecker’s AI-powered assistant, MeetingGPT produces a detailed outlined summary for you. No more sifting through whole transcriptions to understand what was discussed or what was required in the meeting. The chat GPT technology ensures that high-quality notes are generated that capture every aspect of the meeting. The platform also allows you to customize extractions, making sure that only what is important is captured. This results in improved notes quality and a higher level of accuracy in the discussion summaries.

Integration: Wudpecker offers seamless integrations with many popular applications including Hubspot, Salesforce, Notion, Docs, and Slack. This means that you can easily share meeting summaries with all relevant team members, regardless of where they are. Sharing meeting insights with your colleagues can result in increased productivity and improved communication, which can be immensely beneficial in any organization.

Customer Stories: It’s great to hear from customers who have already used Wudpecker and have benefitted from it. For example, Johannes Torppa, Sales Director at Allocat says, “Wudpecker’s note-taking capability is top-notch. It captures all the important details from my meetings, allowing me to focus on building relationships with my clients.” Another satisfied customer, Akseli Matila, Head of Sales at AdvanceB2B recommends Wudpecker, saying “It's better use of my time not to be in every meeting. Wudpecker provides more opportunities for coaching and sparring on the most interesting sales cases."

In conclusion, Wudpecker is the ultimate free AI-powered note-taking tool that aims to help you stay organized and boost your productivity. Its ease of use, customization, and integration capabilities make it a great addition to any organization, especially those focused on sales, partnerships, customer success, or marketing. Try Wudpecker today and revolutionize the way you run meetings!