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This Model Does Not Exist


"Help Choose the Best Moments of AI-Powered Life".

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"Meet Ailice, the AI creation sharing her daily life through photos. Choose the best ones by upvoting, and see them on her Instagram. Follow Ailice and join her exciting experiment today!"

Ailice is not a real person, but she shares her life through photographs every day. This unique and fun experience is made possible by Danny Postma, who created Ailice as an AI experiment. By following Ailice on Instagram and upvoting your favorite photos, you can become a part of Ailice's life and help her pick the best moments to share. Every day, the photo with the most upvotes is selected and shared on Ailice's Instagram account.

The idea behind Ailice's creation is not only to showcase the capabilities of AI technology but also to provide an interactive and engaging experience for its users. The photos that Ailice shares are automatically generated every 15 minutes, so you never know what moment you might get to witness next.

Following Ailice on Instagram is an effortless way to be a part of an exciting experiment while also enjoying captivating photos. The account has two sections, "Latest" and "Most upvoted," where you can browse through the most recent photos or indulge in the most popular ones.

Ailice's existence is a testament to the ever-evolving capabilities and possibilities of AI technology. Danny Postma's creation is not only entertaining but is also a perfect example of how AI can be integrated into our daily lives. So come, join Ailice on her journey, follow her on Instagram, and become a part of this exciting experiment!