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"Create Engaging Mini-Courses with AI Assistance"

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Get an accurate and complete mini-course with just a description using our AI-assistant. Add your unique revisions with questions, images, videos, customized completions, etc., for your purpose. Save significant time and energy by using AI course creator to build engaging & distinctive mini courses. Try for free ✓ No credit card required. is the only specialized AI-assistant that offers a complete and accurate mini-course creation facility. Their AI-assisted system lets you start with just a description, and it generates title and outline suggestions accordingly. You can then select your preferences and get a highly accurate, comprehensive mini-course. The platform offers different ways to enrich your content with images, videos, or any embeddable media. It allows one to create an interactive learning experience by adding quiz or survey questions, feedback, and customizing appearance according to your branding, adding gateways depending on educational or marketing goals.

The course starts with descriptive guidance, your profession, target audience, and the objective of the mini-course. Later you select from the comprehensive list of pre-generated title suggestions for your mini-course. The next step is to conclude the outline, with a variety of headers and sub-headers to choose from. The AI-assistant comes with appealing content, depending on your guidance so far, and distributes it on cards. You can add videos, images, and any embeddable media to enrich your content further. also allows one to create a more interactive and engaging mini-course by adding quiz, survey, feedback questions within cards. You can customize appearance according to your branding, add gateways depending on educational or marketing goals, and create interaction through quiz and survey questions. offers different wall options, giving the user a sense of control over the content distribution. For instance, impress your community without any access barrier or use mini-courses as lead magnets to collect emails. Additionally, the platform provides the option to add exclusivity to your content and give the sense of privilege or get paid and monetize your know-how with Stripe.

The platform is packed with features, including templates, use cases, show cases, knowledge base, blog, and WordPress plug-in. All of these are accessible through different tabs on the platform. To learn more about the tools available on the platform, users can also subscribe to the newsletter. is working towards providing a seamless experience to its users, and their support team is always available to assist. Give it a try for free, no credit card required.