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AskCodi - Your Ultimate Coding Assistant.

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AskCodi is an innovative coding assistant designed to make coding faster, easier, and more enjoyable for developers. With its complete set of tools for development, documentation, and testing, Ask Codi allows users to ask questions and get answers in real-time while coding.

Are you tired of endlessly searching for answers to your coding questions on the internet? Do you wish you had a coding assistant to help you save time and reduce the redundancy of your work? Look no further than AskCodi!

AskCodi is an innovative coding assistant designed to make coding faster, easier, and more enjoyable for developers. With its complete set of tools for development, documentation, and testing, Ask Codi allows users to ask questions and get answers in real-time while coding.

One of the major advantages of AskCodi is its support for over 50 popular languages and frameworks, including WordPress, VB Script, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, Swift, Shell, SCSS, Rust, Ruby On Rails, R Language, React, Node JS, PHP, Mongo, VBA Word, VBA Powerpoint, VBA Excel, LUA, MySQL, Laravel, Kotlin, JavaScript, C++, Ruby, Haskell, Flutter, PostgreSQL, Dart, CSS, Batch, Angular, Jquery, Svelte, Powershell, HTML, Solidity, Next.js, Python 3, Django, Rust, Ruby, C#, C++, TypeScript, Vue JS, Cpp, Python 2, Java, and JavaScript.

Frontend Syntax is one of AskCodi's most popular features, providing a simple yet powerful tool to generate coding answers to your questions. By using natural language, users can generate SQL or NoSQL queries from scratch, create reliable code, and deliver products on time.

AskCodi understands popular languages and frameworks and keeps getting better at supporting you. With AskCodi, you can easily write tests faster and more efficiently, saving you valuable time during the development process. With Documentation, AskCodi uses the power of machine learning to generate DocStrings automatically for your Python code base with nearly 99% accuracy.

With the Test Generator feature, AskCodi understands that writing every test case can be both hard and time-consuming. With this tool, you can create reliable code and deliver your projects on time.

AskCodi also provides amazing features to make your work easier. Try it now for free with no credit card required!

AskCodi understands that coding doesn't always start at terminals. Therefore, it is available as an extension for various IDEs including Visual Studio Code, PyCharm, and many more. Workspaces are another great feature of AskCodi that immediately increase team productivity, streamline maintenance and debugging, and provide a shareable codebase for your workspace members.

AskCodi is not just available in English, it supports multiple natural languages apart from English, like German, Polish, Spanish, etc. Therefore, AskCodi can be your ultimate coding assistant no matter where you are in the world.

What are our amazing customers saying about AskCodi? According to reviews on Capterra and G2, AskCodi has a 4.8 overall rating from 135 reviews. Users love AskCodi for its integration with VS Code and the great quality of the produced code. Some users have commented that the plugins for Jetbrains IDEs are lacking in functionality, but overall, AskCodi saves valuable time on syntax research and problem-solving, making it an essential tool for developers.

Our vision is to have a complete development solution where you just ask Ask Codi what to do, and Codi does the rest for you. You can subscribe now to get updates about AskCodi and ways to code better. Try coding of the future, today with AskCodi!