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Moonbeam Exchange


Globalizing creativity with Moonbeam - The data science platform and remote collaboration tool for innovative partnerships.

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Moonbeam is revolutionizing the innovation ecosystem by providing a data science platform and remote collaboration tool to connect innovators, investors, entrepreneurs, and government entities for better co-creation and creative brainstorming sessions anywhere in the world.

Moonbeam is a game changer when it comes to globalizing creativity. By leveraging over 100 data sources, Moonbeam Exchange provides valuable insights and intelligence to startups, corporate innovation labs, and economic development organizations. This data science platform removes friction and accelerates the pace of innovation by creating better understanding and opportunities to co-create. Moonbeam Envision is another solution to bring parties together, creating a virtual environment where participants across the world can access their colleagues and brainstorm in a highly secure atmosphere.

Moonbeam Exchange and Envision go hand in hand to provide businesses with tools for data-driven collaboration. Moonbeam Exchange breaks down barriers to innovation, providing a bridge between innovators and investors. It removes the friction needed for corporations to access the innovation necessary for their enterprise. The experienced brokerage network helps both sides collaborate, co-create, and benefit from a unique proposition.

Moonbeam Envision is a remote collaboration tool that allows participants from different parts of the world to conduct brainstorming sessions in a highly secure and frictionless environment. This solution leverages state of the art AI, enabling frictionless brainstorm sessions while also protecting the intellectual property. The versatile platform ensures that the participants are connected without being distracted by the physical world, saving time on travel and logistics.

Moonbeam is based in Seattle, Washington and comprises a team spread across three continents with decades of experience in corporate innovation and VR. Moonbeam's mission is to help globalize creativity by connecting innovators, investors, entrepreneurs, and government entities. Follow Moonbeam on Instagram, Linkedin, and Twitter and learn more about this unique platform that provides valuable tools for data-driven collaboration and helps overcome the friction between innovators and investors. For general information, contact