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Keywords Everwhere


Revolutionize your Keyword Research with Keywords Everywhere Browser Add-on

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Find accurate keyword metrics in real-time while browsing with Keywords Everywhere browser add-on. Install on Chrome or Firefox and get monthly search volume, CPC, and competition data for multiple websites. Save time and improve your competitive advantage with long-tail phrase suggestions and historical volume trends. Access traffic metrics and download keyword lists in Excel, CSV,or PDF formats.

If you're looking for an easy and efficient way to perform keyword research, then you need Keywords Everywhere. This powerful browser add-on can be installed on either Chrome or Firefox and provides accurate keyword metrics in real time while you browse. Say goodbye to endless searching and copy-pasting between different platforms for your research!

Keywords Everywhere not only save your precious time but also revolutionizes your keyword research process. With our add-on, you get monthly search volume, cost per click (CPC), and competition data pulled from multiple websites. This means that you can find the most accurate and relevant metrics for your research without any extra effort.

Looking for long-tail phrase suggestions? We've got you covered. Keywords Everywhere make it easy to discover long-tail phrases with their accurate search volume, CPC, and competition data. You'll also get historical monthly trend data for Google and YouTube dating back to 2004 and 2008, respectively. This historical volume trend data is estimated using Google Trends and is available at monthly, weekly, daily, and even hourly levels!

With Keywords Everywhere, you'll also have access to the page and website-level traffic metrics and the top 5000 keywords any webpage or website ranks for in the top 20 Google search results. No need to use different tools for different platforms. Our add-on appends search volume data, CPC, and competition data onto the interface of your favorite keyword research tool. You can use Keywords Everywhere with Google, YouTube, Amazon, Bing, Google Search Console, Google Analytics, and more.

Discover even more relevant keywords using the "People Also Search For" and "Related" options. Keywords Everywhere pull these keywords from Google and Bing and show them to you along with volume metrics right inside the search pages. This makes it easy to gauge the popularity and relevance of these additional keywords.

Keywords Everywhere are more than just a keyword research tool. With our browser add-on, you can download lists of keywords in Excel, CSV, or PDF formats. We also give you access to keyword metrics for any list of keywords. This means that you can easily compare and analyze your keyword lists for your SEO or PPC campaigns.

Don't just take our word for it. Verified SEO experts like Dan Shure, Daragh Walsh, Aleyda Solis, and Nick Eubanks have all praised the power and efficiency of Keywords Everywhere. Dan Shure even went as far as to say that spending more time in SERPS and studying them with tools like Keywords Everywhere is a huge competitive advantage.

So, how do Keywords Everywhere work? Simply install the add-on on your browser and start browsing. No more switching between different keyword research tools or platforms. Keywords Everywhere seamlessly integrate with your favorite tools and appends search volume, CPC, and competition data onto their interfaces. Our add-on makes it easy to find the exact keywords your audience is looking for.

In summary, Keywords Everywhere is an essential tool for anyone looking to streamline their keyword research process. With metrics pulled from multiple websites, you can save time and stay competitive without sacrificing accuracy. Install our browser add-on today and start revolutionizing your keyword research!