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Open-Source Observability for LLM Applications

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Helicone offers an open-source observability platform that helps developers using LLM applications better understand their GPT-3 application by tracking usage, costs, and latency metrics with just one line of code. With Helicone, developers can focus on building their product, not building and maintaining their analytics solution for GPT-3.

Helicone is an open-source observability platform that offers cloud and self-hosting solutions to developers using LLM applications. The platform is built specifically to help developers better understand their GPT-3 application by tracking usage, costs, and latency metrics with just one line of code. Helicone is designed to solve the problem of building and maintaining analytics solutions for GPT-3, which is difficult and time-consuming. Keeping costs under control is a huge issue for developers, but Helicone allows users to optimize their usage so that they can be profitable per user.

Helicone provides a dashboard that gives developers an insightful overview of their application and its performance. The dashboard shows how users are interacting with the app and how the app is performing. Developers can see all of their requests in one place and filter by date, endpoint, and more. With Helicone, developers can see the request and response body, response time, and other important metrics to help them understand their GPT-3 application.

Helicone also provides model metrics so that developers can see how much they're spending on each model and its efficiency. This allows developers to optimize their usage and keep costs under control. Developers can integrate Helicone with just one line of code, making it easy to start tracking usage, costs, and latency metrics.

Helicone is backed by YCombinator and has already attracted over 100 stars on GitHub. The platform has supported over 5.7 million requests and counting, with customers making over 200,000 requests per day. The platform currently supports all OpenAI models and has plans to add other providers, making it a versatile solution for developers using LLM applications.

Helicone has received positive testimonials from real users who have integrated the platform into their apps. One user, Daniel Habib, stated that Helicone was a godsend for LLM cost analytics, especially cost per user. Another user, Calum Bird, mentioned that as an early-stage startup, speed is everything and Helicone helps them quickly understand user behavior when iterating with OpenAI, shortening their testing cycles.

Helicone is committed to its open-source developer community and is always looking for new contributors to help build the best open-source developer tools. If you're a developer using LLM applications, Helicone is the platform you need for better observability and monitoring, with easy integration and optimization of your usage and costs.