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Octoicons - Create Custom SVG Icons with AI

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Octoicons is an AI-powered icon generator that allows designers, web developers, and anyone in need of stunning graphics to create custom SVG icons with ease. With just a prompt, Octoicons creates unique and visually appealing icons perfect for your website or app. Get started today with 2 free credits!

Octoicons is a cutting-edge icon generator that utilizes the power of AI to create custom SVG icons in no time. Whether you’re a designer, web developer, or simply someone in need of awesome graphics, Octoicons is perfect for you. With our intuitive platform, you can easily enter a prompt and let our AI-powered icon generator do the rest. Within seconds, you’ll have access to unique and visually stunning icons that are perfect for your website or app.

Our platform is incredibly user-friendly and requires no prior design skills. Octoicons is perfect for anyone looking to add a touch of creativity to their website or application. Our icons are not only visually appealing, but they’re also responsive and optimized for use across different devices and platforms.

Octoicons offers a range of credit options, from 2 free credits to 100 credits for just $12. Each credit allows you to create one custom SVG icon, making it an affordable and accessible solution for all. Our payment process is secure and hassle-free, ensuring that you can focus on creating great icons without any distractions.

At Octoicons, we’re committed to providing an exceptional user experience, and we’re always looking for ways to improve our platform. We take privacy seriously and have strict policies in place to ensure that your data is protected. We invite you to try Octoicons today and discover the power of AI for creating stunning graphics. Or sign in if you're already a member.