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Supercharge Your Meetings with AI-Assisted Efficiency

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Inkdrop offers AI-assisted efficiency to supercharge your meetings, making them shorter and more productive. With native integration with popular communication platforms, it helps convert conversations into minutes, follow-ups, and tickets with just one click. It further simplifies meetings and slacks by eliminating unnecessary update calls, and supports easy past meeting reference.

Inkdrop is an AI-assisted meeting facilitation platform that aims to supercharge your meetings with unparalleled efficiency. It provides an innovative way to conduct meetings by simplifying the process and making it more productive. With Inkdrop, you can save up to 30% of your meeting time, which can be invested in other strategic activities.

The platform comes with its AI assistant that helps to convert conversations into minutes, follow-ups, and tickets with just one click. You no longer have to worry about taking notes or keeping a record of what is said. Simply have the meeting and let Inkdrop do the rest.

Inkdrop also eliminates unnecessary update calls, which often take up significant time during meetings. Instead, the platform enables you to ask any question about past meetings in your company, and its AI assistant will provide you with the details.

Inkdrop provides native integration with popular communication platforms, including Slack, Google Meet, MS Teams, and Zoom. Its compatibility with these platforms makes it easier to incorporate into your existing workflow.

Inkdrop's founders, Antoine Descamps and Alberto Schillaci, are experienced builders and serial entrepreneurs in the AI space. They have built a top-tier team of builders who believe in their mission to revolutionize meeting facilitation through AI.

In conclusion, Inkdrop is a high-quality meeting facilitation platform that helps to make meetings more productive and efficient. It offers an excellent opportunity to make the most out of your meetings by saving valuable time that can be invested in other areas of your work. Try it out today and experience the benefits of AI-assisted meeting facilitation.