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Atmo AI


Empowering Nations with Advanced AI-Enabled Meteorological Solutions

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Atmo leads the way in developing AI-enabled meteorology solutions that predict weather patterns with high precision for any city, state, or country worldwide. With superior forecasting horizons, resolution, and accuracy, Atmo is empowering nations to better protect their citizens, enhance economic growth, and ensure national security.

Atmo is a groundbreaking technology company that provides meteorological forecasting solutions for any city, state, or country worldwide, with the help of advanced AI-enabled hardware-software systems. The company is transforming the world of weather prediction and bringing massive benefits to humanity. Atmo’s superior forecasting horizons, resolution, and accuracy can save lives, protect jobs, encourage economic growth, and ensure national security.

The company’s AI meteorology solutions are used by global leaders to predict weather sooner and more precisely. The Atmo team is continuously pushing the boundaries of weather prediction by combining deep learning and numerical weather prediction techniques, resulting in a hybrid architecture that delivers superior forecasting capabilities. With up to 14 days of high-accuracy time horizon, up to 1 km² of spatial resolution, and the ability to process 500 km² per minute, Atmo solutions are unbeatable.

Atmo's solutions enable governments to protect and enrich their citizens with optimal weather prediction. With the increasing weather-related cataclysms happening worldwide, conventional meteorology is ill-prepared to face them. Governments are unequipped to address these disasters in a timely fashion. Atmo's super-computer provides early and accurate weather forecasting to support nations in getting ahead of the curve and enabling governments to prepare for disasters accordingly. Atmo’s solutions like Interactive 4D weather simulation technology eliminate weather surprises, leading to better public safety.

Atmo supports nations worldwide, ensuring that citizens, businesses, and organizations obtain easily accessible and clear information they can act upon. For the first time, Atmo puts the highest levels of forecast quality in the hands of all communities, regardless of wealth or prior infrastructure. Atmo’s tailored and cost-effective solutions are designed to ensure no country is left behind when it comes to weather prediction.

The military is key to warning and protecting the public, with extreme weather being the main rising security challenge of our time. It can act as a multiplier of existing threats to peace and security, leading to food shortages, disappearing farmland, locust invasions, and rising sea levels, which can all lead to conflicts. Atmo can support military organizations by anticipating extreme weather and therefore mitigating weather-related risks.

For the first time, Atmo combines design aesthetics with scientific principles. Atmo’s climate icon is crafted by acclaimed designer Frank Stephenson, enhancing public spaces while delivering advanced meteorology solutions. Atmo’s mission is to empower government leaders to protect and enrich their citizens with the best weather prediction solutions.

Given Atmo's mission to empower government leaders, the company is looking for talented individuals at the intersection of AI, meteorology, and government. As an AI/Physics researcher, you will work at the intersection of deep learning and physical modeling of natural processes. You will bring your knowledge of partial differential equations, thermodynamics, information theory, and applied mathematics to modeling new-generation AI-based meteorology systems. Join Atmo today and be part of a team that truly makes a difference.